4-Week ZBrush + Houdini Masterclass: Xi'An, China
12 AUGUST 2019: Day 01 of our 4-week ZBrush + Houdini Masterclass Workshop in Xi’an, Shaanxi China.
We had a lovely orientation in the morning, introducing the CGX team, business partners, students, and artists sharing our facilities.

CGX CEO Mr. Song gave a proud introduction to our pioneering workshop.
CGX Executive Producer Erica Song introduced the company as well as professors Gabriel Teo and CGX guest Anton Ognyev.
Gabriel and Anton had a filmed interview with the company who owns the workshop facility. They talked about the CG industry’s current needs and how the masterclass workshop will train students to prepare for careers in animation and visual entertainment.

The workshop began in late morning with a Zbrush demo by Gabriel to prepare the models which would be used in the other three weeks during the Houdini sessions.

After 4 weeks of working together all day, every day, the students, teachers, and CGX team became like a family. We all helped each other troubleshoot and create the best scenes possible.
At the end of the workshop, the students had identified their strengths and weaknesses and created beautiful end scenes of a dragon breathing fire while flying over or swimming around a castle built into a mountain.